WSI Sports has been known as the “Cold Weather Expert” for over 25 years, providing performance base layers to numerous champion athletes and teams. Minnesota winters provide the ideal environment to test and perfect our cold weather apparel. Along with the best cold weather gear on the market, our ability to manufacture the most comfortable and lightweight fabric for warmer temperatures has also increased performance in our professional athletes.
When considering what to wear while hunting, skiing or running in cold weather, look for our HEATR® products. HEATR® technology is a unique, moisture-activated fiber that lines the cold weather gear and warms against the skin. Dressing for winter weather has traditionally meant layering up, but WSI has developed a body-mapping system utilizing high-tech fabrics in specific areas to offer maximum warmth and comfort for your individual activity. When the sun is intense or you are in the gym, look for our ProWikMax® and Microtech™ fabrics.
All products are proudly made in the USA. WSI is bringing back pride in American-made clothing!