Victoria Leather Company began in 1976 with the desire to make functional women’s handbags. The original source of our leather was the remnants left over from jacket manufacturers. Our Victoria Signature bag, the Teardrop was designed using these small pieces of leather. Its unique styling brought the introduction of a smaller and larger version of this bag (the Droplet and Gumdrop). These Signature bags continue to be among our most popular styles today.

The first thing people talk about when they feel our bags is how soft the leather feels. Our leather is not highly processed like many leather handbags produced around the world today. We use only top grain leather in our products and the lack of processing produces a rich, natural look to our handbags. You will see some color and texture variations from bag to bag which gives each Victoria Leather Company handbag its individuality.

Today, we produce dozens of styles of handbags, wallets and accessories to meet the varying needs of women. Our bags are produced for the everyday woman who can appreciate style, functionality and American craftsmanship.

Our products are all made in our factory in Pennsylvania by a dedicated workforce. We are passionate about the products we make and back them with an industry leading guarantee. We know you will love the look, the feel and timeless appeal of Victoria Leather Company products.


Our Address:

691 Sumneytown Pike Suite G Harleysville, Pennsylvania


40.30295972903009, -75.41833444141145

