The Berkey Light removes pathogenic bacteria, cysts and parasites while extracting chemicals including herbicides, pesticides, organic solvents, VOCs, detergents, cloudiness, silt, sediment, foul tastes and odors. They reduce heavy metals such as cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury, aluminum as well as nitrates and nitrites, without removing the beneficial minerals your body needs.

Berkey purifiers with Black Berkey elements use proprietary micro-pore technology to achieve contaminant reduction of 99.99999%. This extreme level of purification, called “7 log” reduction, means that no more than one part per ten million of the original contaminant remains. This standard is a thousand times more stringent than what’s required to label a system as a simple “water filter.” Systems achieving 7-log reduction provide ultra-pure water not only in normal conditions, but also in circumstances of extreme and highly dangerous contamination. And unlike many purifiers, Black Berkey elements are cleanable: A Scotchbrite™ pad is all you need to remove exterior buildup and extend element life. Each element can clean up to 3000 gallons of water.


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